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Bert Visscher's Website

My name is Bert Visscher. I was born on 1968-04-29, in The Netherlands, Europe. I have Spina Bifida Aperta at level L1, so I cannot feel the lower parts of my body, nor can I stand or even move my legs.

This site is about what goes on in my life. Here you can find my blog, my social network accounts, and more. I'm on Facebook, Flickr, Gab, Minds...and those may not be all of the social networks on which I'm active.

If you're looking for me on a social network, just go to bertvisscher.net/ followed by the name of the network you want to find me on in lower-case.

As you can see, I focus more on content than on design. You can read about the creation of this website in my first blog post.

On this website, you'll be able to read about me. Not about the comedian Bert Visscher.

I do a lot in Second Life where I'm known as Vulcan Viper. I'm a member of Virtual Ability, which is a Second Life group from which Virtual Ability, Inc. was created.

I've been wanting to emigrate to America since about the year 2013. The reason being that I’ve fallen in love with my dearest Cori, who lives there.