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Posted on: 2018-12-07

Pet Peeves

When I was with a few friends of mine from the Virtual Ability group in Second Life, I remember discribing a pet peeve of mine. I have a few pet peeves, so let me write about them here.

Moistening Fingers Before Turning Page

There are people who moisten (lick) their fingers before turning a page of a book or whatever they're reading. Eversince I touched a page that felt moist to me, I've grown to hate seeing people do this.

Closing Doors With the Door Handle Horizontal

Another pet peeve of mine is when people pull a door shut without pushing the door handle down. Let me explain why.

When you close a door, you have the option of pushing the door handle down while you do it. There are people who don't push the door handle down. This causes the bolt to be pushed in by the striker plate, only to snap out again when it reaches the hole. Maybe it's just me, but I find the sound that this makes very unpleasant, especially if the door in question is behind me.

Linden Labs

Some people mistakenly call the company that made Second Life "Linden Labs." I don't know where they get it from. The correct name is Linden Lab.

Saying "Linden" when you mean "Linden Dollar"

When I became a Second Life resident, the word "Linden" was used for people working for Linden Lab and the currency in Second Life was called Linden Dollar. I don't know how long ago this started, but people have since started to call the Linden Dollar "Linden" or "Lindens."

I just have to ask! If you call the currency in Second Life "Linden(s)", then what do you call the people working for Linden Lab?


There are people who call my native country Holland. The name Holland actually only refers to the western two provinces North Holland and South Holland. The entire country is called The Netherlands.

In closing...

I could agree that I have an eye and ear for detail and that I tend to think literally. My only hope is that you will not see me as... What's the word...? Pedantic?

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