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Posted on: 2019-01-18

Questions and First Progress of the Year

This blog post is kind of like a continuation of this one from 2018-11-23, in which I address what it's like for me that Cori and I are still apart. In this post I'd like to go over the unanswered questions that are still keeping us apart and share what I see as progress.

First the Questions

What do I do about the objection that it's just too far away? One possible solution I have in mind is to ask someone we know who has experience in that area, because she used to travel to...I wanna say Canada...with a son who had a disability similar to my own. The trouble is that she's currently out of reach and there's little I can do about that. I also don't know when she'll be back. However, please don't think that I'll be sitting still meanwhile.

With the resistance I'm facing, how am I going to take everything I need with me - what with much of it being upstairs?

I do hope that at least some of my earlier posts show how eager I am to move to the U.S.A. to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. For me to be helped with that I will have to show that we'll be able to make ends meet. As you can see by my spreadsheet, I'm having the worst trouble showing that. So, my third question is: How am I going to show that we'll be able to make ends meet?

Progress? Finally?

Enough about the trouble we're in! Now, let's get to what looks to me like progress we're finally seeing.

Last Saturday I went to the annual New Year's party by the OLG (short for what translates to Relaxation Physically Disabled). I talked there about my dearest Cori - something I love to do every chance I get. One of the guests had quite a bit of information. Disability visa (or whatever it's called)...organization for people with disabilities who want to travel abroad... Something tells me it doesn't end there, so I'm very hopeful that he'll get in touch with me. Having said that, the information he gave during the party could already help Cori and me to at least come together for the first time.

I mentioned an organization for people with disabilities who want to travel abroad. There's an organization in The Netherlands called Buitengewoon Reizen. They have not only a website, but also a Facebook page, and a YouTube channel. I do hope that showing this will at least get me the freedom to go on vacation.

Is it finally happening for us? Are things finally going our way? It certainly looks that way to me.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, then please let me know in the form down below.


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