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Posted on: 2019-12-30

Continuing Interest and BitTorrent

When you read the title you must have wondered about the strange combination of words. Please, read on and all will be explained.

Continuing Interest

Last Monday the majority of our new family here at home questioned me about Cori's and my situation. Add to that the vacation plan I heard about...was it earlier this month? I think so. In short, Cori and I have reason to be more optimistic.


The Internet is governed by many protocols. Think of it as a layer cake. At the bottom there are TCP and IP which are usually named as one (TCP/IP), because of how they work together. On top of this pair there are many other protocols. To name but a few, there's HTTP and HTTPS for transferring website data, there's IMAP, POP3 and SMTP for e-mail, there's FTP and SFTP for file transfer...and these are only the most well known ones.

One of the newer protocols is BitTorrent. It's also probably one of the most misunderstood protocols. So, here's my attempt to help you understand.

BitTorrent is probably best known for the availability of copyrighted files that are offered through it, but this does not mean that anything offered by way of BitTorrent is automatically illegal. Case in point, I recently managed to find 2 Linux distributions which are shared perfectly legally.

Think about it this way:
Copyrighted files can also be made available through FTP and SFTP. Does that make these protocols illegal? No, it does not.
Copyrighted files can also be shared by way of e-mail. Does that make e-mail illegal? No, it does not.

By the same token, BitTorrent is not illegal in and of itself, just because there are people who use it to share copyrighted material. If you did not understand this before, then I hope you understand it now.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, then please let me know in the form down below.


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